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2019年10月27日 星期日

關係代名詞 - 省略時的用法




1.  This is the book that I read yesterday.

→ 可以看到關係子句中已有主詞 I、動詞 read。這時關係代名詞 that 代替 the book,作為關係子句中 read 的受詞,此時 that 可以省略,所以可以寫成:
This is the book I read yesterday.

2.  He is the man whom I saw at the school yesterday.

關係子句中已有主詞 I、動詞 saw,而關係代名詞 whom 代替 the man,作為關係子句中 saw 的受詞,此時 whom 可以省略,所以可以寫成:
He is the man I saw at the school yesterday.


關係代名詞作為關係子句中的主詞,若要省略關係代名詞,後面的 be 動詞要一起省略。

簡單來說就是:當結構是「關係代名詞 be 動詞 現在分詞 / 過去分詞」時,可以省略關係代名詞,後面的 be 動詞也可以連同捨去。

1.       The girl who is sitting over there is my little sister.

關係代名詞 who 為關係子句 who is sitting over there 的主詞角色,若要省略,後面的 be 動詞必須一起省略,因此也可以寫做:
The girl sitting over there is my little sister. 

(這時 sitting over there 角色變成分詞片語,用以修飾前面的 the girl

2.       The books that were written by J.K. Rowling are popular among teenagers.
(由 J.K. 羅琳寫的書在青少年之間很受歡迎。)

關係代名詞 that 為關係子句 that were written by J.K. Rowling 的主詞角色,若要省略,後面的 be 動詞 were 必須一起省略,只留下過去分詞 written,因此可以寫做:
The books written by J.K. Rowling are popular among teenagers.

(這時 written by J.K. Rowling 角色變成分詞片語,用以修飾前面的 the books




1.  I have an aunt who teaches English at our school.

who 作為關係子句 who teaches English at our school 中的主詞,若要省略關係代名詞,後面的主動動詞 teaches 必須改成現在分詞 teaching,因此就變成:
I have an aunt teaching English at our school.

(這時 teaching English 變成分詞片語,用以修飾前面的 an aunt

2. The dog that sits over there is my grandma’s dog.

that 作為關係子句 that sits over there 中的主詞,若要省略關係代名詞,後面的主動動詞 sits 必須改成現在分詞 sitting,因此就變成:
The dog sitting over there is my grandma’s dog.

(這時 sitting over there 變成分詞片語,用以修飾前面的 the dog



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