Chrome Pointer

2020年8月14日 星期五



ago 過去式
inby 未來式
forpastsincerecently 完成式

1.    He _____ five years ago todaytherefore, his request for a raise is definitely worth considering.

(A) is being promoted
(B) was promoted
(C) will be promoted
(D) promotes

Ans: (B)

Promote  v.  晉升,升遷

2.    Their newest franchise _____ in two months, so they need to start employing new employees.

(A) would open
(B) had opened
(C) will open
(D) has opened

Ans: (C)

franchise  n.  專營權,特許經銷權

3.    By this time next year, the expense of building our reception area and front offices _____ greatly enhanced.

(A) has been
(B) will be
(C) is
(D) is being

Ans: (B)

4.    I _____ for Madison incorporated for 20 years by the time I retire.

(A) will have worked
(B) worked
(C) is working
(D) had worked

Ans: (A)

字神帝國Jeffrey老師 - 【新制多益單字本】秒殺技巧分享



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